For more than three decades, world-renowned sculptors Ulla and Gustav Kraitz had the vision to build a convergence point for art and creativity in their long-time home in southern Sweden. Today, on the northern shores of the Bjäre Peninsula, sits one of Skåne’s greatest cultural projects.
Ravinen is a 1500 square meter big culture house and an art center and was designed by architect Pontus Möller. The art center has big glass ceilings with a view over the coastline and the sea.
“The first challenge was to take the initial sketch of a hundred-million-kronor building and slash it by roughly half to make the project bankable. My idea became a square design — a two-story building with four components: three art halls, one auditorium, one restaurant-bistro area in addition to personnel spaces like entre and reception.” Pontus Möller, Möller Arkitekter.
Galleridelen av byggnaden hamnade i norrläge, med en helglasad vägg med utsikt över vackra Laholmsbukten. Det är en spektakulär utsikt och miljön är perfekt för konstutställningar där du vill ha mycket dagsljus men inget direkt solljus.
SAPA-kund: Alab Aluman AB
SAPA Produkter: Facades, Doors and Windows
Arkitekt: Pontus Möller Architects
Entreprenör: Peab