Photograph: Åke E:son Lindman
Architecture and music have a lot in common, let’s take patterns as an example. Architecture it’s a lot about shapes and forms, and music about rhythm and notes. The notion of pattern is the same. Another notion that also goes hand in hand with patterns is consonance, that’s how you’d like to look at architecture, but also when listening to music.
Musikhögskolan i Örebro is not only a beautiful building, it’s also a place for creativity and future. Teachers, musicians, scientists, ceramicists and artists are gathered all under the same room. The academy includes a marvelous concert hall, library and studios for music, painting and ceramics. There are in total 48 individual classrooms that gives students the best prerequisites to be dedicated to their artform.
To design such a public building as a music academy, the main architect Jan Itzikowits wants to create a debate. A public building must be visible, although it is important that it harmonizes with its surroundings.
“We added the building to its area, even though it is a little more majestic than the environment. You have to look at the surroundings, for example, it is important to get to the building in a natural way ", Jan continues.
Regardless of whether the building is private or public, according to Jan, it’s still about the room experience, there it is equivalent.
“When I start my creative process, I always start with the analysis, with the understanding. Is the building necessary? What’s function? The best way to start a design is to question,” says Jan.
The outline of the building is quite spectacular, a lot of big glass surfaces that lets in tons of light, and they also lead you towards the forest located behind the premises. The sense of being outside is a constant vibe throughout the entire building. The terms setting the relationship between in and outside, is also a notion that emboss the research happening in the building between people and music.
“The most important thing when designing a place for creativity is the meeting between people. In this project, we have created a house without corridors, making people moving along light corridors and the glazed streets. In this way, you create more contact between people, you get contact from all sides and that is how the structure is designed. Architecture affects us humans unconsciously,” says Jan Izikowits, architect and studio manager at Tengbom.
What has been most rewarding about the project?
- That it turned out so well! Laughs Jan.
Architect: Jan Izikowitz, Tengbom
SAPA customer: GlasLindberg
SAPA products: Façade 4150 and glassroof 5050